San Diego Immobilienmaklerin
Claudia Gramm is a bilingual San Diego real estate agent. Claudia speaks fluent English and fluent German. In the German language, a San Diego real estate agent would be called a San Diego Immobilienmakler. A female real estate agent would be called a San Diego Immobilienmaklerin. Claudia Gramm helps both English-speaking and German-speaking clients with their San Diego real estate purchases and sales. Claudia was born and raised in Austria, but she has lived in the states for more than ten years. Claudia has been a San Diego Immobilienmaklerin since 2006. Contact Claudia today with any real estate questions you might have.
Claudia Gramm
Copernicus International Realty
Ph: 858-602-8455
San Diego, CA US
CA BRE# 01767141
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